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  2. Q&A



  • Meals / Restaurants / Bars

    Is the meal a room meal?

    I am sorry.This facility does not serve meals in the room.
    Information on the restaurant on the 1st floor or the hall on the 2nd floor.
    GuesContinue reading
  • Meals / Restaurants / Bars

    Can I order additional dishes?

    We also accept bespoke dishes.
    We may not be able to meet your request on the day of the event, so we recommend ordering in advance.
  • Meals / Restaurants / Bars

    Can I smoke at the restaurant?

    I am sorry.
    All non-smoking.
  • Meals / Restaurants / Bars

    Is it possible to change the ingredients?

    If there is something you don't like about the food, we will serve it.

    Please feel free to contact us.
  • Meals / Restaurants / Bars

    Can I change my diet if I have allergies?

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not offer special dishes.However, we would like to respond as much as possible, so please contContinue reading
  • Meals / Restaurants / Bars

    Can I bring in food and drinks?

    I'm sorry.Please refrain from bringing in anything other than children's retort-packed baby food and milk for food hygiene management.

Reservation / Inquiry

If you have any questions, please contact us.
